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Performance & Optimization

A Wise Investment in the Customer Experience Refining and improving your digital products

What we’re seeing in the market is that organizations who really embrace leveraging data  for optimization are able to really break through the status quo and deliver innovative digital experiences.

Jason Hamrick | Director, Data & Insights

Our approach to optimization is grounded in data and a belief that far-sighted investments in digital experience require a culture of experimentation. The ability to optimize a digital experience is as much an outgrowth of company culture as it is a result of technology and tooling. Company culture always starts at the top, so executive stakeholders need to be bought-in on the benefits of experimentation and positively reinforcing data-driven strategies. 

To gain traction and participation across the organization, the organization needs to be able to articulate its vision and goals, and how the digital experience contributes to those goals. This understanding will empower everyone in the organization to realize the impact they can have on the business beyond their day-to-day projects, by optimizing the aspects of the customer experience closest to them. 

Long-term investments in optimizing the digital experience don’t happen overnight. They require a sustained internal effort to broadcast the vision and goals, articulate the benefits of an experimentation mindset, and to showcase the tools and resources each individual can access. 

We approach optimization strategies as data-driven experiments that span the entire digital experience, including all stages of the customer funnel: marketing channels (SEO, email marketing, social media), on-page content engagement, and sales and conversion pipelines. We recommend improvements that draw from our entire portfolio of strategic, creative, and engineering capabilities.

Long-term collaboration with clients rests on the underlying belief that their digital properties are being cared for in an intentional, hands-on way. Our goal is to fulfill that expectation through a partnership that maps out actionable goals, sets the metrics required to achieve them, and monitors progress, making beneficial adjustments along the way. 

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